D555 John "Lightweight" Jog shorts Black

Od 34,99 € z DDV
Ta velikost je začasno razprodana, vendar bo kmalu spet na voljo!
Sledenje izdelku

Vnesite vaš e-naslov spodaj in obvestili vas bomo ko bo izdelek na voljo! vaš e-naslov bomo hranili do 180 dni.

Na voljo na zalogi za takojšnje pošiljanje
Izdelek na zahtevo
Majhno število na zalogi (2 kos)
Prikaz tabele velikosti

Tabela velikosti - D555 John "Lightweight" Jog shorts Black


A.1 - full waist is measured by folding the waistline outwards and measure the inside of the waistline button to button
A.2 - half waist is measured edge to edge on the inside of the waistline when the pants/jeans are laying flat on a table with back pockets on the table
NB! A.2 is normally not half of A.1. 
B - front rise is measured from waistline top along zipper down to crotch seam
C - thigh width is measured from crotch seam over thigh outer edge on pants
D - leg opening is measured from edge to edge over hem
E - back rise is measured from top of waistline between back pockets down to crotch seam
F - inner leg is measured from crotch seam down inner side of leg to edge of hem
G - outer leg is measured from top of waistline along outer side of leg down to edge of hem

Measure your favorite garment which is of the same type as the one you are planning to purchase and compare the measurements from that garment with the measurements in this size table. The measurements in this size table are garmetn measurements, not body measurements. We measure all garments laying flat on a table and you should do the same to be able to make a correct comparisment. You should not measure a garment while wearing it. All measurements are in cm (centimeter).

Please allow a tolarence of +/- 2cm on all measurements.

Trenirka kratke hlače v večji številki
Kupujte pri nas v velikostih 2XL-8XL
Od kul britanske blagovne znamke D555
Narejeno iz 60% bombaža, 40% poliestra
Barva je črna
Strojno pranje na 30°
Hlače imajo žepe ob straneh in zadaj
Celoletni - če vaše velikosti ni na zalogi jo naročimo pri našem dobavitelju.
Oglejte si kaj druge stranke menijo o tem izdelku
Povprečna ocena 4.7/5 na osnovi 3 mnenj.
Riktigt sköööna shorts.
Najboljša cena!

Izdelek je bil dodan v vašo košarico

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